If you love music, have a great singing voice and sight-reading skills then Excelsis wants to hear from you! We have occasional Come and Meet the choir evenings which we will announce on our facebook and instagram pages.
When it comes to it you will be invited to come to a rehearsal and then an audition arranged with our Director of Music, Robert Lewis. Auditions usually last 15 minutes and include singing your own chosen piece of music, a sequence of scales, a melody line of a well-known hymn (unaccompanied) and sight-reading a simple melody as well as a taking part in a (prepared) quartet to assess your ability to blend with other voices.
Rehearsals start at 7.45 pm and end at 9.45pm, with a short break. We are currently ‘between venues’ for rehearsal but full details will be posted when we have finalised the new arrangement.
Additional rehearsals, including orchestra rehearsals, will be required prior to a concert.
The choir’s schedule fits in with school terms, with breaks during half term and holidays. We typically do not perform during the height of the summer. All members pay an annual membership fee.
If you are interested in joining Excelsis or have any questions about the choir, please contact Sarah Evans, our Membership Secretary.