‘Trains and boats and planes’….and singing.
So what do members of Excelsis do when they are not singing with Excelsis?
Well the answer is, not surprisingly, that during the summer break, they travel.
Travels this summer included visits to Spain, a thrilling trip to the US to see the eclipse, and a massive tour of over 2000 miles around Europe taking in concerts, church services and European musical cultural and culinary highlights on the way. Others have been sailing, and one of our more flamboyant members flew himself to Le Touquet in his new toy!
And of course, as often as not, Excelsis members like to find somewhere to do some more singing.
So this summer amongst other things choir members have performed at a Festival in Cornwall (Mumford and Sons mashups), and at Hereford and Chester Cathedrals (glorious English Church Music); attended a Sing for Pleasure Summer School (Latin American Baroque music) and our beloved Music Director, Rob Lewis, led his Choirs from St Thomas on the Bourne on a tour to Antwerp, Brussels and Bruges.
Now, honed and relaxed, we are all looking forward to the new season and our concert on 18th November 2017. John Rutter’s thrilling Gloria, accompanied by a brass ensemble, will be the centerpiece of this celebration of our 10th Birthday. The concert will also include music by Vaughan Williams and our wonderful local composer Clive Osgood. The concert is at St Alban’s Church Hindhead, at 7.30. We would love to see you there!
- Spain
- Sea Nymph III Yarmouth IoW
- Mr Arthur’s Plane
- Salzberg
- Strudel Show
- Carmen Set Braganza
- Bruges – again
- SAS Window Hereford Cathedral
- Hereford Cathedral
Further news of the progress of our fund-raising campaign is coming soon.